Princess Inspired Letters

As a mother of boy, sometimes I am lucky enough to have a friend who shares the fun of throwing a girl birthday party. And when the party’s theme is Disney Princesses?! I’m SO THERE.

The inspiration for this party came from a great party blog, Hostess with the Mostess. My friend went to work printing and cutting out until she practically had carpal tunnel. While I painted and glued my way to letters each with a Princess’ color theme, made some cake pops and glass slippers (of course!).
Princess letters

Since there can never be enough pictures to help others do something similar, I wanted to post my versions.

I bought cardboard letters at Joann’s. My helpful advice, be pickier than I when selecting a letter. The smoothness of the cardboard does indeed make a difference. Paint covers a lot, but not all.
Cardboard letters
I used the small bottles of paint you can get for $2-3. Perfect size for tackling these 12″ letters.

The solid letters were, of course, the easiest to knock out.
Painted base - Princess LettersPainted base - Princess LettersPainted base - Princess Letters

The curved letters, in this case S’s, gave me a few problems making straight perfect lines.  You can cover them up, I certainly did, with ribbon.  But if possible try to choose your princess with embellishments will work best with the shape of the letter.
Painted base - Princess Letters

The overall effect in the birthday girl’s name was beyond great.  Her big smile was worth all the effort for sure!

All the printables can be found from Amanda’s Parties To Go Etsy shop.  Included in the file to print was a tremendous amount.  Thankfully I only did the cake pops and Cinderella shoes favors.  More on those in my next post!

Supplies for the Letters:

A’s:  ribbon, white foam board with adhesive backing, glitter foam board, glue dots
S’s:  ribbon, sequins, craft jewels, glitter foam board, white felt
E:  glitter, cardstock
N:  yarn, artificial flowers
V:  tulle, glue dots, red felt (video for making felt flower:
Princess Letters
**UPDATE** the Princess inspired glass slipper favor along with Princess cake pops are on a new blog post. Check it out.

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2 Responses to “Princess Inspired Letters”
  1. Melissa March 6, 2018
    • Robin May 13, 2018

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