Basil Seasoning

I grew one basil plant this year in an effort to just see if I could.  Well, I CAN!  However, I have a LOT of it.   So much so I’ve been harvesting for weeks, huge handfuls at a time.  I even kept a basil bouquet on my kitchen counter for awhile (how very TV chef-like of me, ha).

Enter the @FoodNetwork’s tweets to the rescue.  One small tweet about basil salt and I was off.  Dry basil leaves in a 200 degree oven for 1 hour.  Crumble leaves and mix with sea salt.  Brilliant!

Made a little batch of the seasoning and a little container of just the dry basil for my son and his beloved plain pasta.  Might be my new little kitchen gift – Basil Salt.

One Response to “Basil Seasoning”
  1. Jan August 2, 2011

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